Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution 008-2014 to create an Underground Utility District as part of the Diamond Springs Parkway Project. (Est. Time: 5 Min.)
FUNDING: 2004 General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program (TIM), the Missouri Flat Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP), West Slope Impact Mitigation Fee Program (TIM), Local Tribe Funds, Electrical Rule 20A Underground Utility Funds (PG&E), Telecommunication Rule 32A.1 Tariff Funds (AT&T), and Underground District Reimbursement Funds from Comcast (No Federal Funds).
Total Estimated Cost…………… $6,370,000.00
Budget - Current FY……………
Budget - Future FY……………… $6,370,000.00
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $6,370,000.00
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
The total estimated cost for the Underground Utility District (District) is $6,370,000, of which $5,897,000 will be covered using PG&E, AT&T and Comcast tariff funds. The remaining $473,000 County share will be covered with TIM, MC&FP, and Local Tribe funds. There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda Item.
The Diamond Springs Parkway Project (Project) was initiated to improve traffic circulation, safety and operations through and around the historic town of Diamond Springs and has been in various stages of planning and design for more than 15 years. The Project consists of widening and realigning Diamond Road (State Route 49) and constructing a new connector from Diamond Road west to Missouri Flat Road.
On May 24, 2011, the Board approved the final Environmental Impact Report which included discussion of a potential District identified as part of the Project. On September 10, 2013 the Board directed Transportation Division (Division) staff to continue with the preliminary work and public outreach necessary for the establishment of a District.
Reason for Recomm...
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