File #: 18-1179    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 7/24/2018 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 8/21/2018 Final action: 8/21/2018
Title: Community Development Services, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Planning and Building, and Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Approve the continuation of six current perpetual contracts: a) Agreement 428-S0110 with the State of California Department of Transportation, to provide signal maintenance service (Road Fund); b) Agreement 821-S0710 with Squarerigger, Inc., to provide annual software support and maintenance (Road Fund); c) Agreement 427-M0810 for the Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority, for the planning, design, and construction of the Elk Grove-Rancho Cordova El Dorado Connector (Community Development Block Grants and Housing and Economic Development Program Income Funds); d) Agreement 098-O1111 with the State of California Board of Equalization, for electronic filing of reporting sales tax collected (No fiscal impact); e) Agreement 213-S0910 with Trans Union, LLC, to provide consumer reporting s...
Attachments: 1. A - Summary of Perpetual Agreements 08-21-18, 2. B - Caltrans AGMT, 3. C - Squarerigger AGMT, 4. D - Squarerigger 1st Amend, 5. E - Bd of Equal AGMT, 6. F - Elk Gr-Rancho Cor JPA, 7. G - TransUnion Master AGMT, 8. H - TransUnion Addendum, 9. I - TransUnion Increase Letters, 10. J - Aquatic Science Center, 11. Public Comment Rcvd 8-17-18 BOS 8-21-18
Related files: 09-0998, 16-0747, 17-0766, 21-1259, 19-0944, 20-0827, 22-1343, 23-0785


Community Development Services, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Planning and Building, and Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following:

1) Approve the continuation of six current perpetual contracts:

a) Agreement 428-S0110 with the State of California Department of Transportation, to provide signal maintenance service (Road Fund);

b) Agreement 821-S0710 with Squarerigger, Inc., to provide annual software support and maintenance (Road Fund);

c) Agreement 427-M0810 for the Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority, for the planning, design, and construction of the Elk Grove-Rancho Cordova

El Dorado Connector (Community Development Block Grants and Housing and Economic Development Program Income Funds);

d) Agreement 098-O1111 with the State of California Board of Equalization, for electronic filing of reporting sales tax collected (No fiscal impact);

e) Agreement 213-S0910 with Trans Union, LLC, to provide consumer reporting services (Housing and Economic Development Program & Development Program Income Funds);

f)  Agreement 202-S1711 with Aquatic Science Center, to oversee and administer the Delta Regional Monitoring Program as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Compliance (General Fund & Public Utility Franchise Fees); and

2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to establish purchase orders as necessary to process associated payments for Fiscal Year 2018/2019.


FUNDING:  Road Fund, Community Development Block Grants, General Fund, Public Utility Franchise Fees, and Housing and Economic Development Program Income Funds.  (Federal, State and Local Funds)



Community Development Services (CDS), Department of Environmental Management, Department of Planning and Building, and Department of Transportation, recommends the Board approve the continuation of six perpetual contracts.



Administration, on behalf of CDS departments, administers the following contracts, none of which have a stated contract term:

                     The State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Signal Maintenance Agreement provides for routine maintenance of signals and lighting by Caltrans at the Pioneer Trail at Black Bart Avenue/Cold Creek Trail intersection in South Lake Tahoe.  Caltrans is also on call to handle unforeseen problems with the traffic control signal system if required.

                     The Squarerigger, Inc., Agreement, and as first amended by the Board on August 2, 2016 (Item 17), provides for annual support and maintenance for the ShopWatch time management software module, MobileShop software, and Vehicle Tracker handheld equipment used by the CDS Department of Transportation’s (Transportation’s) Maintenance Unit Equipment Shops. 

                     The Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority (formerly named Elk Grove-Rancho Cordova-El Dorado Connector Authority) provides for the acquisition of real property and the construction of the Connector Project until the Project is fully accomplished. While the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement does not require annual authorization by the Board, Administration includes this Agreement along with the other perpetual items to provide an annual opportunity for Board review.

                     The State of California Board of Equalization (BOE) Trading Partner Agreement for BOE Motor Fuels Electronic Filing Program provides for electronic filing of reports on the sales tax collected on jet fuel sold at the Placerville Airport.

                     The Trans Union, LLC, Agreement provides for consumer reporting services and provision of FICO scores for the Housing, Community and Economic Development Unit’s loan programs.  Credit analysis is an important aspect in determining an applicant’s eligibility for a loan.  On October 28, 2008 (Item 3), the Board authorized the Chair to sign Trans Union Master Agreement for Consumer Reporting and Ancillary Services 213-S0910 with Trans Union, LLC, for credit reporting services.  On March 8, 2011 (Item 6), the Board authorized an addendum to the Master Agreement for the provision of FICO scores.  The Agreement and Addendum shall continue until terminated. 

                     The Aquatic Science Center Agreement provides for the implementing entity to oversee and administer the Delta Regional Monitoring Program as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for the West Slope.


The Community Development Services departments brings this matter before the Board pursuant to the requirements of Board of Supervisors Policy C-17, Section 4.5, Contract Term, which requires departments to obtain authorization from the Board initially, and on an annual basis, to utilize any contract that does not have a stated contract term.  This matter is intended to apprise the Board of these perpetual contracts and to seek authorization for staff, working with the Purchasing Agent to prepare the necessary purchase orders for the associated Fiscal Year (FY) 2018/19 contract payments.  The termination provisions for each of the contracts are included as Attachment A.


Viathor, Inc., (Agreement 838-O0910) which provides for annual support and maintenance for VBridge software used by the Department of Transportation's Engineering Unit to aid in designing bridges has been removed as a perpetual agreement because their licensing requirements have changed to an annual use system with a specific annual term. 


For reference history of perpetual agreements, refer to Legistar Items 09-0998, 16-0747, and 17-0766.



The Board may choose not to approve any or all of the perpetual contracts.  As each item facilitates an important service, alternative methods to deliver these services would need to be identified, in addition to associated costs.



County Counsel has reviewed and approved the perpetual contract documents.



It is recommended that the Board approve the recommended action.



The current FY 2018/19 budget includes the following amounts:

$3,000 for the Caltrans Agreement - Road Fund;

$3,980 for the Squarerigger, Inc., Agreement - Road Fund;

$45,000 for the Capital SouthEast Connector Joint Powers Authority Agreement - Road Fund;

$2,000 for the Trans Union, LLC, Agreement - Housing and Economic Development Program & Development Program Income Funds; and

$25,000 for the Aquatic Science Center - General Fund & Public Utility Franchise Fees.


The total budgeted amount of $78,980 is funded by the Road Fund, Community Development Block Grants, Housing and Economic Development Program Income Funds, General Fund, and Public Utility Franchise Fees.  There is no fiscal impact associated with the BOE Trading Partner Agreement for BOE Motor Fuels Electronic Filing Program.






Infrastructure, Good Governance, and Public Safety.



Greg Stanton, Director

Environmental Management Department


Roger Trout, Director

Planning and Building Department 


Rafael Martinez, Director

Transportation Department