Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 4868 with HAPPY Software, LLC, an MRI Software LLC Company (“MRI”), for the provision of software licensing and support needed by the Public Housing Authority, for the term upon execution through five years, with a maximum contractual obligation of $133,086;
2) Make findings in accordance with County Ordinance 3.13.030 (B) that there are specialty skills and qualifications not expressly identified in County classifications involved in the performance of the work;
3) Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director, or designee, to execute further administrative documents relating to Agreement for Services 4868; and
4) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 4868, including amendments, which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: 100% Public Housing Authority federal funds.
Public Housing Authority (PHA) requires software to manage client information, appointments, renewals and reporting for the Public Housing Assistance program. Housing and Urban Development provides specifications for the software and only a limited number of vendors provide software in accordance with these specifications. The Public Housing Authority program staff initially selected the HAPPY (Housing Assistance Payments Program Yearly) product approximately fifteen years ago. In 2017 staff reviewed alternative vendors and chose to renew a contract for this product and to move to the cloud-hosted version of the HAPPY Software. In March of 2018 Happy Software was acquired by MRI Software LLC, making MRI one of the top providers in the public housing space. Happy Software has a client retention rate near 98 percent historically. The PHA chooses to retain this software and is seeking a five-year contract with this vendor as they have found the upgrade to the cloud-hosted system to meet their needs. The maximum obligation amount of $133,086 over the 5-year term, accounts for an up to 3.5% increase in the subscription cost annually and up to $6,000 for anticipated training or other professional support services needed.
Disapproval of Agreement for Services #4868 will result in disruption of services to the Community.
1) 06/27/17 File ID 17-0631, HHSA Happy Software Agreement 458-S1710
2) 03/05/13 File ID 12-1554, V4 HHSA/PHA 3-5-13 HAPPY Software Amendment II
County Counsel, Risk Management, and Information Technologies.
Approve as recommended.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. This Agreement for Services is a renewal of a prior year agreement and sufficient appropriations were included in the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget, and will be included in future budgets for the term of the Agreement
1) Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of Chair on two (2) original Agreements for Services #4868.
2) Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed Agreement to the HHSA Contracts Unit at 3057 Briw Road.
Donald Semon, Director