Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36105011, Contract 6558:
1) Approve and adopt the Plans and Contract Documents and authorize the Chair to sign the Plans; and
2) Authorize advertisement for construction bids.
(District 3)
FUNDING: Master Circulation and Funding Plan (52%), Traffic Impact Fees (27%), State Local Partnership Program (14%), Regional Surface Transportation Program (4%), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (3%), Tribe Funds (historical (<1%), and Road Fund (<1%). (Local and State Funds)
The Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Project (Project) will provide a new four-lane arterial roadway with concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk on both sides from Missouri Flat Road south of Golden Center Drive to a new T-intersection with State Route (SR)-49 south of Bradley Drive. The Project also includes signalization at the Missouri Flat Road, Throwita Way, and SR-49 intersections.
This Project is state and locally funded; therefore, only California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance is required. A CEQA Notice of Determination was filed on May 25, 2011. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and the Board approved the Project on May 24, 2011. Environmental permits are required for this Project and will be obtained prior to the start of construction.
On September 26, 2023 (Legistar file 23-1379), the Board approved $5,000,000 of Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Intergovernmental Agreement (Tribe) Funds to be used to construct the Project and utilize future Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) funds to repay the Tribe Funds over a five (5) year period. These amounts are demonstrated in the Department of Transportation’s (Transportation) Capital Improvement Program (CIP) cash proforma.
The State Local Partnership Program (SLPP) grant for $5,320,000 was awarded to the Project by the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Per the SLPP grant extension approved by the CTC, the Project must be awarded to a contractor by June 6, 2025, or the funding could be lost. There is also a State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) grant for $1,00,000 awarded to the Project, and if the Project does not meet construction deadlines, these funds will be in jeopardy.
All right of way needed for this Project has been acquired and was certified by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) on May 23, 2024. All parcels have closed escrow except for one in which Transportation has legal possession and right to build the Project. All utility agreements are in place with those in the Project area, including Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Company’s Rule 20A and 20B programs. Underground electric and telecommunication facilities will be constructed under a Rule 20B utility agreement.
Caltrans and CTC Authorization for construction funding has been received for this Project.
Currently, the El Dorado Trail - Missouri Flat Road Bike/ Pedestrian Overcrossing Phase 2 Project (POC), CIP 36109002, is being constructed in the area of the Project. The anticipated completion date for the POC and the anticipated start date of the Project are both May 2025. Construction of the POC will remove the existing El Dorado Trail parking lot. A new larger parking lot for the El Dorado Trail and Old Depot Bike Park will be reconstructed with the Diamond Springs Parkway Project. The Project’s construction traffic plans and specifications address the anticipated temporary traffic impacts at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), Throwita Way, State Route 49, and Missouri Flat Road.
1) The Board could choose not to approve the Contract Documents. Transportation will make any changes requested by the Board and return at a later date.
2) The Board could choose not to authorize advertisement for construction bids. Transportation will make any changes requested by the Board and return at a later date.
3) The Board could choose to cancel the Project.
1) September 14, 2004 (Item 81): Project adopted as part of the Fiscal Year 2003/04 Interim CIP as project 72334, under former CIP Project name “Missouri Flat Road / Pleasant Valley Road Connector.”
2) February 11, 2008 (Legistar file 08-0038): Project adopted as part of the 2008 CIP, under the current CIP Project name.
3) April 29, 2008 (Legistar file 08-0628): Approved Alternative #4 as the preferred alignment of the Project.
4) May 24, 2011 (Legistar file 11-0448): Certified Final Environmental Impact Report adopted for the Project.
5) December 18, 2012 (Legistar file 12-1540): Approved to support economic development and create special revenue fund and direct Transportation to immediately proceed with completion of design and right-of-way.
6) June 10, 2014 (Legistar file 14-0725): Approved commencement of acquisition process for the Project.
7) May 3, 2016 (Legistar file 16-0370): Certified Supplement to the 2011 Environmental Impact Report adopted for the Project.
8) March 5, 2019 (Legistar file 19-0049): Awarded Contract 2720 to Granite Construction Company for construction of Phase 1A of the Project.
9) July 23, 2019 (Legistar file 19-1009): Approved Task Order 461-S1711-01 with Bender Rosenthal, Inc. to complete right-of-way services, including valuations/appraisals, acquisitions, and relocation services for Phase 1B of the Project.
10) February 9, 2021 (Legistar file 21-0178): Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Presentation.
11) April 19, 2022 (Legistar file 22-0440) - Approved Cooperative Agreement 03-0782 with Caltrans, defining the roles, responsibilities, and funding contributions of each agency related to the Plans, and Specifications, and Estimate, Right of Way, and Construction phases of the Project.
12) September 12, 2023 (Legistar file 23-0122) - Approved a Covenant and Agreement between the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, and the County of El Dorado to protect future health and safety and the environment as a result of potential risk related to the possible presence of hazardous materials as defined in Health and Safety Code §25260.
13) September 12, 2023 (Legistar file 23-1146) - Adopted Resolution 124-2023 to accept the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication from Michael D. Lindeman and Lorraine D. Lindeman, Trustees of the Lindeman Family 2005 Trust dated October 17, 2005, for road right-of-way in fee, slope and drainage and public utilities easement, and temporary construction easement pertaining to the property identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 051-250-54.
14) September 26, 2023 (Legistar file 23-1379) - Approved Tribe Fund loan to finance additional funding needed to complete the Project.
15) April 23, 2024 (Legistar file 23-2048) - Approved PG&E Utility Agreement No. 2934.1L.
16) May 14, 2024 (Legistar file 24-0854) - Approved PG&E Utility Agreement No. 2934.1L with revisions.
17) November 12, 2024 (Legistar file 24-1806) - Approved First Amendment to PG&E Utility Agreement No. 2934.1L.
County Counsel and Risk Management have approved the Plans and Contract Documents.
Approve as recommended.
The total estimated cost for Project construction is $27,233,000, which includes construction items of work, supplemental items of work, construction management, environmental monitoring, inspection, materials testing, and contingencies.
There is no financial impact or change to net County cost associated with this item. The Board will not obligate the County with the current requested action. The obligation will result from the subsequent action of awarding the bid.
1) The Clerk will obtain the Chair's signature on the construction Plans for the Project.
2) The Clerk will forward the original signed Plan set to Transportation, Headington Engineering, attention Jen Rimoldi.
Transportation will advertise the Project for bid proposals and return to the Board with recommendations for award at a later date.
Priority: N/A
Action Item: N/A
Rafael Martinez, Director
Department of Transportation