File #: 25-0053    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 12/23/2024 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Title: Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36105011, Contract 6558: 1) Approve and adopt the Plans and Contract Documents and authorize the Chair to sign the Plans; and 2) Authorize advertisement for construction bids. (District 3) FUNDING: Master Circulation and Funding Plan (52%), Traffic Impact Fees (27%), State Local Partnership Program (14%), Regional Surface Transportation Program (4%), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (3%), Tribe Funds (historical (<1%), and Road Fund (<1%). (Local and State Funds)
Attachments: 1. A - DSP Project Phasing, 2. B - Approved Contract Routing Sheet, 3. C - Contract Docs, 4. D - Plans Pages 1-45, 5. D - Revised - Plans Pages 1-45, 6. E - Plans Pages 46-90, 7. E - Revised - Plans Pages 46-90, 8. F - Plans Pages 91-End, 9. F - Revised - Plans Pages 91-End, 10. Executed Plans Sheet
Related files: 11-0448, 19-1009, 24-1806, 21-0178, 08-0628, 24-0854, 08-0038, 12-1540, 14-0725, 16-0370, 19-0049, 22-0440, 23-0122, 23-1146, 23-1379, 23-2048
Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following pertaining to the Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Project, Capital Improvement Program project number 36105011, Contract 6558:
1) Approve and adopt the Plans and Contract Documents and authorize the Chair to sign the Plans; and
2) Authorize advertisement for construction bids.
(District 3)

FUNDING: Master Circulation and Funding Plan (52%), Traffic Impact Fees (27%), State Local Partnership Program (14%), Regional Surface Transportation Program (4%), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (3%), Tribe Funds (historical (<1%), and Road Fund (<1%). (Local and State Funds)
The Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1B Project (Project) will provide a new four-lane arterial roadway with concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk on both sides from Missouri Flat Road south of Golden Center Drive to a new T-intersection with State Route (SR)-49 south of Bradley Drive. The Project also includes signalization at the Missouri Flat Road, Throwita Way, and SR-49 intersections.

This Project is state and locally funded; therefore, only California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance is required. A CEQA Notice of Determination was filed on May 25, 2011. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and the Board approved the Project on May 24, 2011. Environmental permits are required for this Project and will be obtained prior to the start of construction.

On September 26, 2023 (Legistar file 23-1379), the Board approved $5,000,000 of Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Intergovernmental Agreement (Tribe) Funds to be used to construct the Project and utilize future Master Circulation and Funding Plan (MC&FP) funds to repay the Tribe Funds over a five (5) year period. These amounts are demonstrated in the Department of Transportation’s (Transportation) Capital Improvement Program (CIP) cash proforma.

The State Local Partnership Program (SLPP) grant for $5,320,000...

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