Board of Supervisors to adopt their Governance Handbook pursuant to Strategic Plan Good Governance Objective 2.6. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)
On November 6, 2017 the Board held their fourth and final discussion on Board Protocols with BK Consult who also presented the Self-Evaluation and Assessment Tool for the first time. Based on the four sessions with BK Consult, staff has prepared the final Governance Handbook (Attachment 6A) for Board consideration.
On October 16 and August 28, 2017 the Board participated in effective governance sessions two and three respectively where they progressed through multiple draft Protocols in preparation for adoption at a future regular meeting. Session four will again be facilitated by BK Consult with a focus on remaining Protocols and other subject matter related to the Governance Manual and/or assessment tool. It is anticipated formal adoption of the Protocols will occur before the end of 2017.
On July 17, 2017 the Board participated in effective governance session one and identified draft Protocols in preparation for future sessions. The draft Protocols and draft Governance Handbook are attachments 3A and 3B, respectively.
On May 16, 2017 (Item 2) the Board approved Agreement 518-S1710 with BK Consult for facilitation of three (3) or four (4) effective governance sessions culminating in an El Dorado County Governance Handbook and a customized effective governance assessment tool for the Board. There is no recommended action at this time as this is the first in a series of special sessions.
At their Special Meeting of March 21, 2016 (Item 1, File 14-1322), the Board adopted the Strategic Plan Goals, Objectives and Macro Measures relative to the Good Governance Goal in the County Strategic Plan, and on January 24, 2017 (Item 33, File 17-0058) the Board adopted the "definition, objectives, tasks and timelines". Plan Objective 2.6, Task 2.6.1 directs staff to identify a facilitator t...
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