File #: 14-0133    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/16/2014 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 7/18/2017 Final action: 7/18/2017
Title: Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 301-S1611 with Architectural Nexus, Inc., to increase compensation by $63,500, for an amended not to exceed of $1,008,649, to expand the scope of work for Phase Five Design Criteria Consultant Services and include contingency services on an as-needed basis. FUNDING: Accumulative Capital Outlay Fund & United States Department of Agriculture.
Attachments: 1. 16A - 301-S1611 AMD IV 7-18-17, 2. 16B - Approved Blue Route 301-S1611-AMD IV 7-18-17, 3. 15A - 513-S1711-Facilities 5-9-17, 4. 14A - And III to Agreement for Services No. 301-S1611 AMD III 4-25-17, 5. 14B - Amnd III Blue Route Approval 4-25-17, 6. 14C - 17-918-035 Request for Proposal - Construcion Mgmt Services 4-25-17, 7. 14D - Vanir Proposal- El Dorado County- 021017 4-25-17, 8. 13A - Amendment I to Agreement 383-S1610 DRAFT 2-14-17, 9. 13B - Agreement 383-S1610 2-14-17, 10. 12A - Amnd III 391-S1511 12-6-16, 11. 12B - Approved Blue Route - 391-S1511 AMD III 12-6-16, 12. 11A - 301-S1611 AMD II 9-13-16, 13. 11B - Approved Blue Route 301-S1611-AMD II 9-13-16, 14. 8A - Amnd I 301-S1611 DRAFT 6-14-16, 15. 7A - 391-S1511 Amnd II 6-7-16, 16. 7B - 391-S1511 Amnd I 6-7-16, 17. 7C - AGMT 391-S1511 6-7-16, 18. 6A - Public Safety Facility Final EIR with Draft Volumen I & II 3-8-16 (Large File Size), 19. 6B - Resolution 3-8-16, 20. 6C - Planning Commission Report 3-8-16, 21. 6D - EPA Concurrence 1989 ESA for 180 Industrial APN 329-240-51 3-8-16, 22. Executed Grant Deed, 23. Executed Resolution 043-2016, 24. Executed Certificate of Acceptance, 25. 5A - Agreement 301-S1611 12-15-15, 26. 5B - Public Safety Facility DCC RFP 12-15-15, 27. 5C - Public Safety Facility RFP Ranking 12-15-15, 28. 4A - DRAFT 391-S1511 AMD I 10-13-15, 29. Public Comment Rcvd 10-12-15 BOS 10-13-15, 30. 3A - AGMT 391-S1511 Blue Route Approval 2-24-15, 31. 3B - AGMT 391-S1511 2-24-15, 32. 2A - DRAFT PSA 178-O1511 9-9-14, 33. 2B - Contract Routing Sheet 9-9-14, 34. 2C - Purchase and Sale Agreement 9-9-14, 35. Executed Agreement 9-9-14 item 3.pdf, 36. A - Presentation 4-8-14
Related files: 18-0565, 18-0810, 13-1479, 18-1493, 19-0585, 20-0499, 16-0398, 18-0439, 18-1747, 19-0012, 18-1932, 19-0018, 19-1730
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/18/201716 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
5/9/201715 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
4/25/201714 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/14/201713 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
12/6/201612 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/13/201611 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
8/30/201610 Board of Supervisors ContinuedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/16/20169 Board of Supervisors ContinuedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/14/20168 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/7/20167 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/8/20166 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
12/15/20155 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
10/13/20154 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/24/20153 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/9/20142 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
4/8/20141 Board of Supervisors ApprovedPass Action details Meeting details Video Video


Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 301-S1611 with Architectural Nexus, Inc., to increase compensation by $63,500, for an amended not to exceed of $1,008,649, to expand the scope of work for Phase Five Design Criteria Consultant Services and include contingency services on an as-needed basis.


FUNDING:  Accumulative Capital Outlay Fund & United States Department of Agriculture.



Chief Administrative Office, Facilities Division, recommending the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Amendment IV to Agreement for Services 301-S1611 with Architectural Nexus, Inc., to increase compensation by $63,500, for an amended not to exceed of $1,008,649, to expand the scope of work for Phase Five Design Criteria Consultant Services and include contingency services on an as-needed basis.



The Division issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in September 2015, for Design Criteria Services as related to the future Public Safety Center, and on December 15, 2015, the Board awarded Contract for Services No. 301-S1611 to Architectural Nexus, Inc.  This covered Phases One through Three of the Design Criteria, including project initiation, assessment validation & program compliance, and conceptual/schematic design.


On June 14, 2016, the Board approved Amendment I to provide additional services to meet the requirements of the USDA concerning our application for project funding.  This Amendment increased compensation by $25,000 and provided the County with the required Preliminary Architectural Report (PAR) which was submitted to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and provided them with the details to clearly define the project.


On July 11, 2016, the Board directed staff to move forward with the Design-Build construction project delivery method, and on September 13, 2016 the Division brought forward the Second Amendment provided for producing the Bridging Design Documents and further associated Design Criteria Consultant (DCC) Services.  That Amendment increased compensation by $216,069 (for an amended not-to-exceed amount of $591,069) and extended the term an additional one year (expiring January 14, 2020).

On May 9, 2017 the Board approved Amendment III which provided for the remaining phases of the DCC Services (Phases Five through Eight) and increased compensation by $354,080. 

Amendment IV expands the scope of work concerning Phase Five and provides as-needed contingency services.  The increase in the scope of services regarding Phase Five is needed to allow for specialty sub-consultants to Architectural Nexus, the Design Criteria Consultant, to provide expertise in the areas of electrical, mechanical, and technology systems insuring that the proposed design conforms with the intent of the Criteria Documents.  Currently, most of their work is conducted at their respective offices and communication is in writing.  By participating at a face-to-face level during the second of two confidential pre-bid meetings with the three design-build teams preparing proposals for the project, the quality and timeliness of the information exchanged is enhanced. The resulting dialogue produces better design ideas and increased value to the County.  The estimate for this expertise during the next round of interviews is $13,500.  In addition, the department is requesting $50,000 for as-needed contingency services. Use of contingency funds would require a work order and include a not-to-exceed cost for the work assigned. If the department utilizes any of these contingency funds, the amount and description of services provided will be included in the periodic public safety updates presented to the Board. This request is being made in order to create some efficiency and flexibility for the department to allow this expertise to be available without delay if technical questions arise during the design process. There is funding available within the project budget.  If the contingency is not approved, the department will have to return to the Board with every request which could delay the project.

The increase in scope for Phase Five is $13,500 with $50,000 added for as-needed contingency services for a total increase of $63,500 and an amended not to exceed of $1,008,649.  The term remains unchanged.








It is recommended that the Board approve this item.



Funding is included in the Public Safety Facility Project budget as submitted to the USDA.  There is no change in Net County Cost.








Russ Fackrell

Facilities Manager