Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the addition of CIP project No. 71359 (U.S. 50 Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements - Phase 1B2: Bike Path) to the 2012 Capital Improvement Program; and
2) Receive and file update information regarding the 2012 Capital Improvement Program, per Attachment 6A.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no fiscal impact or change to net County Cost associated with this item.
Project No. 71359 (U.S. 50 Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements - Phase 1B2: Bike Path) was added to the Fiscal Year 12/13 budget through the budget addendum process on September 25, 2012. This Project was added in order to modify the design of the Class I bike trail east of the newly contructed Weber Creek Bridge to enhance sight distance for motorists traveling eastbound. The modified design will increase the separation between the bike path and the eastbound Highway 50 traffic lanes east of Weber Creek and west of Placerville Drive. The proposed realignment design changes will be more compatible with the future Western Placerville Drive Interchange Improvement project, and minimize the amount of bike path reconstruction and cost in the future. Therefore, construction of the new bike path east of the Weber Creek Bridge on Highway 50 will be temporarily delayed to make the design and alignment changes.
On June 19, 2012, the Board adopted the 2012 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The 2012 CIP includes a five year CIP work plan, a ten year program, and a twenty year program. See Attachment 6B for a breakdown of projects in the five, ten and twenty year program segments of the CIP.
On August 28, 2012, the Department of Transportation (Department) stated that we would return to the Board with periodic CIP updates. This agenda item reflects the status of the 2012 CIP through the first quarter of fiscal year 12/13 with several project updates (See Attachment 6A).
In Attachment 6A, the Department provides an update on the status of the projects in the five year 2012 CIP work plan. Attachment 6A also includes details regarding three potential project additions that will be completed as part of the 2013 CIP update. Since the CIP was adopted on June 19, 2012, the majority of projects remain within budget and on schedule. Exceptions are noted in Attachment 6C.
Projects currently in construction or recently completed, Capital Overlay and Rehabilitation project updates, and Department Facilities project updates are included in the following attachments:
1) Attachment 6D: Projects currently in construction or recently completed;
2) Attachment 6E: 2012 Capital Overlay and Rehabilitation projects status; and
3) Attachment 6F: 2012 DOT Facilities projects status.
Reason for Recommendation
Based on the addition of Project No. 71359 to the Department's FY 12/13 budget during the budget addendum process, the Department is requesting that the Board authorize the addition of this Project to the 2012 CIP within the five year work plan section.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
The Department will add CIP project No. 71359 (U.S. 50 Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements - Phase 1B2: Bike Path) to the 2012 CIP five year work plan section (Refer to Attachment 6G: Summary sheet for Project No. 71359).
Kim Kerr, Interim Director
Department of Transportation