Hearing to consider the Verizon Wireless Communication Facility Jackpine Monopine project [Special Use Permit S15-0009]* to allow the construction of a wireless communications facility on property identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 070-072-57, consisting of 28.57 acres, located in the Shingle Springs area, submitted by Verizon Wireless; and staff recommending the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1) Adopt the Negative Declaration based on the Initial Study prepared by staff; and
2) Approve Special Use Permit S15-0009 based on the Findings and subject to the Conditions of Approval as presented.
(Supervisorial District 4)
Request to consider Special Use Permit S15-0009/Verizon Wireless Communication Facility Jackpine Monopine submitted by VERIZON WIRELESS (Agent: Alan Heine) to allow the construction of a wireless communications facility consisting of a 70-foot monopine tower, six antennas with nine remote radio heads and two surge protectors mounted at 62-feet, an 11-foot 6-inch by 16-foot 10.5-inch equipment shelter to house equipment cabinets and associated equipment, a 30kw standby diesel generator on a 7- by 13-foot concrete pad, all within a 30- by 30-foot lease area enclosed with a 6-foot chain link fence with tan slats and two rows of barbed wire on top. Access to the site would be provided by a 15-foot wide, approximately 550-foot long non-exclusive Verizon Wireless access and utility easement containing the existing gravel driveway taking access off Ponderosa Road. The existing driveway will be improved to include hammerhead turnaround and paved encroachment. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 070-072-57, consisting of 28.57 acres, is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Ponderosa Road with Meder Road, in the Shingle Springs area, Supervisorial District 4. [County Planner: Rob Peters] (Negative Declaration prepared)*
A Staff Report is attached.
Rob Peters
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