Community Development Services, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 105-2017 entitled “Resolution Establishing a Consolidated Fee Schedule and Consolidated Fee Policies and Procedures for El Dorado County Community Development Services and Adopting Fees for Services,” thereby rescinding prior Resolution 079-2016 and reestablishing an updated Consolidated Fee Schedule without the Special Event Permit Fee for Parades Involving Road Closures, as well as updated Consolidated Fee Policies and Procedures, all reflecting minor language updates in recognition of the newly organized Community Development Services.
FUNDING: Community Development Services Charges for Provided Services. (100% - Local)
Community Development Services, Administration and Finance Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 105-2017 entitled “Resolution Establishing a Consolidated Fee Schedule and Consolidated Fee Policies and Procedures for El Dorado County Community Development Services and Adopting Fees for Services” (Resolution), thereby rescinding prior Resolution 079-2016 and reestablishing an updated Consolidated Fee Schedule without the Special Event Permit Fee for Parades Involving Road Closures, as well as updated Consolidated Fee Policies and Procedures, all reflecting minor language updates in recognition of the newly organized Community Development Services.
On May 3, 2016 (Item 31), a Consolidated Fee Schedule and updated Fee Policies and Procedures for the El Dorado County Community Development Agency were presented to the Board, as part of Resolution 079-2016. The Board adopted the implementing Resolution with the direction that the fee amount for Special Event Permits for Parades Involving Road Closures (Parade/Road Closure Permits) be reduced to reflect an initial submission fee of $200, then reduced to $100 for repeating parade events in subsequent years two through five.
On March 28, 2017 (Item 25), the Board passed the Introduction of Ordinance 5048, amending County Ordinance 4231, Title 12, Chapter 12.37 Parades, which 1) incorporated text changes to reference Special Events, 2) delegated authority to the Transportation Director to issue permits for Special Events including those requiring road closures, and 3) modified language to remove Section 12,37.020, Item B, referencing permit fee charges associated with Special Events. The Board further directed Community Development Agency staff to return to the Board with a revised Consolidated Fee Schedule less the fee for Parade/Road Closure Permits.
The revised Consolidated Fee Schedule (Resolution Exhibit A) has been updated to remove the Parade/Road Closure Permit fee and includes minor language changes to accurately reflect the recent reorganization of the Community Development Agency into Community Development Services. The changes reflected in this updated Schedule do not require a public hearing as no increase to fees are proposed, only the elimination of the Parade/Road Closure Permit fee as requested by your Board at the March 28 meeting.
The revised Consolidated Fee Policies and Procedures (Resolution Exhibit B) have also been updated to accurately reflect the recent reorganization of the Community Development Agency into Community Development Services.
Other fee clarifications have been identified by Community Development Services staff and will be scheduled for Board review at a later date and via a noticed public hearing, as County Counsel has advised that such clarifications could result in fee increases.
The Board may also choose not to adjust fees for services at this time, which may conflict with the County’s Strategic Plan goal of Good Governance, and/or could the Net County Cost to provide the current level of services.
County Counsel
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
The proposed rates are based on a full cost-recovery methodology to essentially make the affected programs either run without a Net County Cost or a greatly reduced Net County Cost. The annual revenue lost from the permit fee charges associated with Special Events is in between $2,000 and $5,000 per fiscal year.
1) The Clerk of the Board will obtain the Chair’s signature on the original Resolution.
2) The Clerk of the Board will forward one (1) copy of the signed Resolution to Community Development Services, Administration and Finance Division, for implementation.
Good Governance
Karen Coleman, Chief Fiscal Officer
Community Development Services, Administration and Finance Division