Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, returning to the Board with the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project (General Plan Amendment A11-0006/Rezone Z11-0008/Planned Development PD11-0006/Tentative Map TM11-1505/Development Agreement DA14-0001), as directed on February 14, 2017; and staff recommending the Board adopt the Findings for Denial for the Dixon Ranch Project as presented.
(Supervisorial District 1) (Cont. 2/14/17, Item 26)
The Dixon Ranch Project (General Plan Amendment A11-0006/Rezone Z11-0008/Planned Development PD11-0006/Tentative Map TM11-1505/Development Agreement DA14-0001) came before the Board at a duly noticed public hearing on February 14, 2017. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Board voted to conceptually deny the Dixon Ranch Project, subject to the adoption of Findings of Fact.
The Dixon Ranch Project consisted of three legislative acts including a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and Development Agreement and two adjudicatory acts (Tentative Map and Planned Development).
Legislative acts do not require findings for denial unless a statute or local ordinance requires Findings. In the case of El Dorado County and the Dixon Ranch Project, there are no state or local requirements that would compel the Board to make Findings of Denial for the legislative acts. Although not required, having Findings is a practical tool to document the Board's decision on the Dixon Ranch Project applications.
Adjudicatory acts require Findings. However, the denial of the associated legislative acts subsequently results in the denial of the adjudicatory acts. The adjudicatory acts required the approval of the General Plan Amendment and Rezone in order to make the statutory and local ordinance required Findings of General Plan consistency.
Roger Trout, Division Director
Development Services Division
Community Development Agency