File #:
Agenda Item
On agenda:
Final action:
Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 001-2017 approving the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Administrative Manual. (Est. Time: 30 Min.)
FUNDING: Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program (Local).
1. 24A - Approved CRS & Resolution 001-2017 1-24-17, 2. Executed Resolution 1-24-17, 3. 23A - CIP and TIM Fee Program Update 12-13-16, 4. Executed Ordinance 5044 (12-13-16), 5. Executed Ordinance 5045 (12-13-16), 6. 22A - Board Memo 12-6-16, 7. 22B - Resolution 189-2016 Major CIP-TIM Update Certify EIR Findings SOC BOS 12-6-16, 8. 22C - Resolution 190-2016 CIP-TIM Update GPA 12-6-16.pdf, 9. 22D - CIP Book 12-6-16 (large file size), 10. 22E - Project Change Table 12-6-16, 11. 22F - Resolution 191-2016 TIM Fee Nexus 12-6-16, 12. 22F - Revised Resolution 191-2016 TIM Fee Nexus 12-6-16 BOS Rcvd 11-30-16, 13. 22G - Budget Transfer 12-6-16, 14. 22H - ORDINANCE 5044 - Frontage Ordinance 12-6-16, 15. 22H - Revised (Draft) ORDINANCE - Frontage Improvements revised 12-6-16, 16. 22I - ORDINANCE 5045 - TIM Fee Program 12-6-16, 17. 22J - Draft Impact Fee Admin Manual 12-6-16, 18. 22K - Public Outreach Final Report 12-6-16, 19. 22L - Proof of Publications 12-6-16, 20. 22M - PPT EDC CIP TIM Fee 12-6-16, 21. 22M - Revised PPT EDC CIP TIM Fee 12-6-16 v2, 22. Public Comment Rcvd 12-6-16 BOS 12-6-16, 23. Public Comment Rcvd 12-6-16 BOS 12-6-16, 24. Public Comment Rcvd 12-5-16 BOS 12-6-16, 25. Executed Resolution 189-2016 (12-6-16), 26. Executed Resolution 190-2016 (12-6-16), 27. Executed Resolution 191-2016 (12-6-16), 28. 21A - Staff Memo 10-27-16 PC 10-27-16-CORRECTED, 29. 21B - CIP Findings of Consistency PC 10-27-16, 30. 21D - Statement of Findings PC 10-27-16, 31. 21E - Statement of Overriding Considerations PC 10-27-16, 32. 21F - Draft Resolution 2016 CIP_TIM Update GPA PC 10-27-16, 33. 21G - MMRP PC 10-27-16, 34. 21C - Draft Resolution and Final EIR for CIP_TIM Update PC 10-27-16, 35. 21H - Draft Frontage Improvements Ordinance PC 10-27-16, 36. 21I - TIM Fee Program Ordinance and Resolution PC 10-27-16, 37. 21J - Proof of Publication-Mountain Democrat PC 10-27-16, 38. 21K - Proof of Publication-Tahoe Daily Tribune PC 10-27-16, 39. 21L - Proof of Publication-Georgetown Gazette PC 10-27-16, 40. 21M - Staff's PowerPoint Presentation PC 10-27-16, 41. Public Comment Rcvd 10-26-16 to 10-27-16 PC 10-27-16, 42. 19A - Board Memo 9-13-16, 43. 19B - West Slope Projects 9-13-16, 44. 19C - Unfunded CIP Projects 9-13-16, 45. 19D - Tahoe Projects 9-13-16, 46. 19E - Airport Projects 9-13-16, 47. 19F - Facilities Project 9-13-16, 48. 19G - CORP Projects 9-13-16, 49. 19H - Cover, Title, TOC 9-13-16, 50. 19I - Executive Summary 9-13-16, 51. 19J - Indexes 9-13-16, 52. 19K - Cash Proformas 9-13-16, 53. 19L - Acronyms and Definitions 9-13-16, 54. 19M - EDC TIM Fee Nexus 2016-05-12 9-13-16, 55. 19N - Project Change Table 9-13-16, 56. 19O - Completed Projects 9-13-16, 57. 19P - CORP Infrastructure Investments 9-13-16, 58. 19Q - Presentation 9-13-16, 59. Public Comment Rcvd 9-13-16 BOS 9-13-16, 60. Public Comment Rcvd 9-13-16 BOS 9-13-16, 61. Final CRS 6-28-16, 62. Executed 4th Amendment to 214-S1511 (6-28-16), 63. Public Comment Rcvd 6-27-16 BOS 6-28-16, 64. Public Comment Rcvd 6-22-16 BOS 6-28-16, 65. 18A - Draft CRS 6-28-16, 66. 18B - 16-54479 - Amendment IV - Draft 6-28-16, 67. 17A - Board Memo 6-14-16, 68. 17B - West Slope Projects 6-14-16, 69. 17C - Unfunded CIP Projects 6-14-16, 70. 17D - Tahoe Projects 6-14-16, 71. 17E - Airport Projects 6-14-16, 72. 17F - TFIP Projects 6-14-16, 73. 17G - CORP Projects 6-14-16, 74. 17H - Cover and TOC 6-14-16, 75. 17I - Executive Summary 6-14-16, 76. 17J - Indexes 6-14-16, 77. 17K - Cash Proformas 6-14-16, 78. 17L - Acronyms and Definitions 6-14-16, 79. 17M - Draft TIM Fee Nexus 6-14-16, 80. 17N - Project Change Table 6-14-16, 81. 17O - Completed projects 6-14-16, 82. 17P - CORP Infrastructure Investments 06-14-16, 83. Public Comment Rcvd 4-19-16 BOS 4-19-16, 84. 16A - Board Memo 4-19-16, 85. 16B - 2035 Proposed TIM Fee Proj. List 4-19-16, 86. 16C - EDC TIM Fee Nexus 2016-03-28 4-19-16, 87. 16D - Proposed CIP Project List 4-19-16, 88. 16E - Unfunded CIP Project List 4-19-16, 89. 16F - Chapter 3 Transportation Proposed 4-19-16, 90. 16G - Revised Project Schedule 4-19-16, 91. 16H - Draft Final TM 2-3 4-19-16, 92. 16I - TC-1 NEW 2035 ALL 4-19-16, 93. 16J - Census Data 4-19-16, 94. 16K - Intersection Tier list 2015 4-19-16, 95. 16L - Public Comment 03-03-16 4-19-16, 96. 16M - PPT EDC CIP TIM Fee 4-19-16, 97. Public Comment Rcvd 2-23-16 BOS 2-23-16, 98. 15A - Board Memo 2-23-16, 99. 15B - CIP and TIM Fee Program Update NOP 2-23-16, 100. 15C - 2013-10-14 TDM 2012 Update Land Use Final 2-23-16, 101. 15D - Public Outreach Summary Phase Three 2-23-16, 102. 15E - Power Point EDC CIP TIM Fee 2-23-16, 103. Executed Amendment III to 214-S1511 (Kittelson) 12-15-15, 104. 14A - 214-S1511 Amend III-DRAFT 12-15-15, 105. 14B - Project Schedule 12-15-15, 106. Executed Resolution 204-2015 (12-7-15), 107. Public Comment Rcvd 12-7-15, 108. Public Comment Rcvd 10-9-15, 109. 13A - Board Memo 12-7-15, 110. 13B - Draft TIM Fee Project List 12-7-15, 111. 13C - ROW SW and CG 12-7-15, 112. 13D - Draft ORDINANCE - Frontage Improvements 12-7-15, 113. 13E - Draft TIM Fee Program Nexus Report 12-7-15, 114. 13F - ROI 12-7-15, 115. 13G - Draft ORDINANCE - TIM Fee Program 12-7-15, 116. 13H - Draft TIM Fee Resolution 12-7-15, 117. 13I - TIM Fee Environmental Constraints Analysis 12-7-15, 118. 13J - Draft CIP Project List 12-7-15, 119. 13K - Draft Unfunded CIP List 12-7-15, 120. 13L - Outreach Summary 12-7-15, 121. 13M - Power Point Presentation 12-7-15, 122. 13N - Blue Route 12-7-15, 123. Executed 2nd Amendment to 214-S1511 (10-27-15), 124. 12A - Draft CRS for Amend. II 10-27-15, 125. 12B - Draft Amend. II - Kittelson 10-27-15, 126. 12C - CRS for Amend II 10-27-15 (BOS 11-4-15), 127. 9A- Board Memo 9-22-15, 128. 9B - 2011 TIM Program Reduction Analysis 9-22-15.pdf, 129. 9C - 2035 Proposed TIM Fee Project List 09-22-15.pdf, 130. 9D - Draft TM 2-3 Ex & Future Deficiency Analysis 9-22-15, 131. 9E - 2012 TIM Fee Resolution 9-22-15, 132. 9F - Constructed CIP-TIM Projects 9-22-15, 133. 9G - Revisions to 2012 Exhibit B 9-22-15, 134. 9H - TIM Fee Assumptions, Parameters & Cost Estimates 9-22-15.pdf, 135. 9I - ROW SW and CG 9-22-15, 136. 9J - Draft 20 Year Grants Projection 9-22-15, 137. 9K - Draft TM 3-2 Guidance Standards 9-22-15, 138. 9L - Updated Schedule 9-22-15, 139. 9M - TIM Fee Nexus 9-22-15, 140. 9N - Cameron Park Interchange ROW 9-22-15, 141. 9O - EDC CIP TIM Fee PP - BOS 9-22-15, 142. 8A - Board Memo 5-5-15, 143. 8B - TM-2-1-Analysis Methodology 5-5-15, 144. 8C - Draft TM2-2-Fee Zones 5-5-15, 145. 8D - Draft TM3-1-Practices & Issues 5-5-15, 146. 8E - Draft TM2-3-Ex & Future Deficiency Analysis 5-5-15, 147. 8F - Outreach Ph 1 Summary 5-5-15, 148. 8G - Public Outreach Phase One SummaryPart One 5-5-15, 149. 8H - BAE Report 5-5-15, 150. 8I - 2015 Baseline, GP, and TGPA ZOU Scenario 5-5-15, 151. 8J - Public Outreach Map 5-5-15, 152. 8K - EDC CIP TIM Fee BOS 05-05-15, 153. 7A - Board Memo 2-10-15, 154. 7B - Zone Fee Locations 2-10-15, 155. 7C - KAI Schedule 2-10-15, 156. 7D - CIP and TIM Fee Background 2-10-15, 157. 7E - Memo to BOS Meas Y interp 2-10-15, 158. 7F - TIM Fee Comparison 2-10-15, 159. 7G - Public Engagement Program 2-10-15, 160. 7H - BOS Kickoff Presentation 2-10-15, 161. Contract Routing Sheet, 162. 6A - Board Memo 12-16-14, 163. 6B - Agreement 214-S1511 12-16-14, 164. 6C - Task 5 Scenarios 12-16-14, 165. 6D - TIM Fee Exhibit B 12-16-14, 166. 6E - Public Outreach Scenario Costs 12-16-14, 167. 6F - Public Outreach Scenarios 12-16-14, 168. 6G - CIP TIM Update Outreach PPT 12-16-14, 169. Executed Agreement 12-16-14, 170. Public Comment Rcvd 9-30-14 BOS 9-30-14, 171. 5A - Board Memo 9-30-14, 172. 5B - Draft Scope of Work 9-30-14, 173. 5C - AGMT 14-54024 Exh C Cost Proposal 9-30-14, 174. Public Comment Rcvd 4-7-14 BOS 4-8-14, 175. Executed Agreement 9-30-14, 176. 4A - Board Memo 4-8-14, 177. 4B - CIP and TIM FEE Update Cycles 4-8-14, 178. 4C - BAE Report 4-8-14, 179. 4D - Scenario 1 charts and map 4-8-14, 180. 4E - Scenario 2 charts and map 4-8-14, 181. 4F - Scenario 2 Modified charts and map 4-8-14, 182. 4G - Scenario 3 charts and map 4-8-14, 183. 4H - Revised Growth Forecast Presentation 4-8-14, 184. Public Comment Rcvd 3-11-14 BOS 3-11-14, 185. Public Comment Rcvd 3-3-14 BOS 3-11-14, 186. Public Comment Rcvd 2-24-14 BOS 2-24-14, 187. A - Board Memo 2-24-14, 188. B - SACOG fact sheet and coverage area 2-24-14, 189. C - Caltrans-EDC TDM Discussion 2-24-14, 190. D - CIP and TIM FEE Update Cycles 2-24-14, 191. E - BOS Updates 2-24-14, 192. F - TDM Peer and Staff comments and responses 2-24-14, 193. G - Letters of Concurrency 2-24-14, 194. H - KHA Calibration/Validation Documentation 2-24-14, 195. I - BAE Report 2-24-14, 196. J - Scenario 1 Summary 2-24-14, 197. K - Scenario 2 Summary 2-24-14, 198. L - Scenario 3 Summary 2-24-14, 199. M - Summary of Scenarios 2-24-14, 200. N - Roadway Considerations 2-24-14, 201. O - Memo to BOS Meas Y interp 2-24-14, 202. P - TC-X Flow Chart 2-24-14, 203. Q - Power Point Presentation 2-24-14, 204. Legal Notice for Major TIM Fee.pdf, 205. Complete Resolution 189-2016 Major CIP_TIM Update Certify EIR Findings SOC BOS 11-18-16.pdf
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Title Community Development Agency, Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 001-2017 approving the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Administrative Manual. (Est. Time: 30 Min.) FUNDING: Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program (Local). Body DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION Community Development Agency (CDA), Long Range Planning Division, recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 001-2017 approving the Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Administrative Manual. DISCUSSION/BACKGROUND A TIM Fee is a fee levied by a local government or public agency to ensure that new development projects pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public infrastructure or services to the new development. Since 1984, the County has adopted and updated various TIM Fee Programs to ensure that new development on the western slope pays the costs of constructing and improving County and State roads necessary to serve new development. The TIM Fee is paid at the time of issuance of a building permit (e.g., for single family home or non-residential buildings). TIM Fees are calculated pursuant to Government Code 66000 et. seq. and the County’s General Plan policy. Generally, fees are based on the type of land use, quantity, location, impact on roads, and level of service. TIM Fee funded projects are Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects that are needed to accommodate new development projected over the next 20 years, which may include road widenings, interchange improvements, etc. Since these new projects are needed to accommodate new development, there is a nexus, pursuant to the Mitigation Fee Act, to charge new development a fee to pay for these new projects. On December 6, 2016 (Item 46), the Board adopted Resolution 191-2016 which incorporates as Exhibit D the updated Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study as presented in Attachment 22F, consistent with the tentative approval provi... Click here for full text